The west has made people too time- conscious, not knowing where they are going, but speeding to get there because time is short.

I have heard:
Once a pilot communicated on the intercom to his passengers; It seems that everything has gone wrong: the radar is not functioning, the radio is out of order, even the compass has ceased to function; but don't be worried, we are keeping the same speed.

But this is what is happening to the modern mind: everything is out of order except the speed. Where are you going ? For what are you going ? Of course you are going fast, but you are going so fast that you have no time to look at where you are going and why you are going there.

From the book 'Returning to the source' by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho ) talks on Zen.

The song 'Eyes are wide open' from the album 'Surrender'


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